Robert Schellenberg had record of drug trafficking in Canada
Robert Schellenberg had record of drug trafficking in Canada
ano, mysli mu to spravne politicky LOL
Brazil's President Bolsonaro Considers Opening U.S. Military Base to Counter Russian Influence
tento ziadny spion nie je, aj v Kanade uz bol odsudeny za drogy. v 2011 tusim dostal 1.5 roka
Eyob E. narodeny v Afrike, nezamestnany, ma spanielske obcianstvo, rodina zije v Anglicku
Eyob E. narodeny v Afrike, nezamestnany, ma spanielske obcianstvo, rodina zije v Anglicku
za a proti
Retracting Inconclusive Research: Lessons from the Séralini GM Maize Feeding Study
Hovorkyňa Bieleho domu Sarah Sandersová v tejto súvislosti uviedla, že iracký premiér Ádil Abdal Mahdí prijal pozvanie na návštevu Spojených štátov. Obaja politici hovorili počas Trumpovej návštevy iba telefonicky.
Iracania mali iny nazor LOL
Iraqi lawmakers criticize Trump visit as blow to Iraqi sovereignty a-trump…
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi political and militia leaders condemned U.S. President Donald Trump’s surprise visit to U.S. troops in Iraq on Wednesday as a violation of Iraq’s sovereignty, and lawmakers said a meeting between Trump and Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi was canceled due to a disagreement over venue.
Lithuania has also expressed concerns. Politician Laurynas Kasinas has stressed that Masha And The Bear is a weapon from “Russia’s soft power toolkit”. Similar sentiments have also been put forward by Lithuanian state security department chief Darius Jauniškis and even the country’s president, who both claim the cartoon is a “coded political message”.
KYIV, 10 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Odessa public organization “Council of public safety” and urged the Ukrainian authorities to ban the popular Russian animated series “Masha and the Bear”; according to the organization, he is alleged “the absolute embodiment of the worst advocacy ideas of the Russian Federation” and “distorts the minds of children”.
Future shock: Ban threat for the new Russian superweapon Masha and shows that subverted all our minds 0…
Some Estonian academics certainly believe there is a subversive hidden agenda to Masha’s antics, with a professor from the University of Tallinn, Priit Hõbemagi, explicitly branding the cartoon part of a new “hybrid war” on Estonian children. He claims the “strong, protective” bear symbolises Russia and metaphorically illustrates the acceptance of “soft power” by Russian troops in the event of future invasion.
Transgender Canadian cyclist defends winning championship after bronze medalist complains -winn…
ano, po vzore najlepsej krajiny na svete LOL
The average American household carries $137,063 in debt, according to the Federal Reserve's latest numbers. Yet the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the median household income was just $59,039 last year, suggesting that many Americans are living beyond their means.
Nov 18, 2017
American Household Credit Card Debt Statistics: 2018
That's an increase of about 5% over last year. And for Americans carrying that debt, the impact is significant. The average U.S. household with credit card debt has an estimated $6,9291 in revolving balances, or balances carried from one month to the next, the analysis found.
Dec 10, 2018
a co tak dostat sem este par Rusov, teda vlastne Rusiek. Alebo skusit nasadit transgender... LOL
Ve finále Miss Universe jsou poprvé transgender modelky
ked uz je rec o Kanade LOL
Trudeau bro-tweets to his celebrity friends and charges us $50M for it
Pakt odmítly USA, Austrálie, Itálie, Švýcarsko a také Rakousko, Polsko, Maďarsko, Izrael, Slovensko, Chile a Česko. O víkendu pakt rozbil belgickou vládu, z níž odešla nejsilnější strana. Velká debata se kolem něj měla rozjet – a nakonec vyšuměla – i v Německu, kde pakt štěpil nejen vládní koalici, ale i CDU Angely Merkelové. Problémy má také v Estonsku a Chorvatsku. Celkem do Maroka nepřijely tři desítky států.
„Nezávazný“ světový pakt o migraci, který v pondělí v Maroku odsouhlasilo 164 států, je psán naivním bezstarostným jazykem časů, kdy se opakovalo, že vlnu migrantů mířících do Evropy tvoří lidé prchající před válkami a útlakem. V té době se text také zrodil, takže migraci popisuje jako požehnání pro přijímající země. Několik desítek z nich však pakt neschválilo.
treba kupovat len Made in USA
China finds spy bugs in Jiang's Boeing jet
tito si asi rozmyslia koho volit na buduci rok LOL
Canadians of Chinese descent, make up about four percent of the Canadian population, or about 1.76 million people as of 2016.(However, around 80%-85% of them are foreign born). The Chinese Canadian community is the largest ethnic group of Asian Canadians, consisting approximately 40% of the Asian Canadian population.
29. maja som poslal email kanadskej ministerke zahranicia aby Kanada intervenovala podobne ako to urobila ked bola Savcenkova vo vazeni v Rusku. 31. maja mi poslali tento email a odvtedy cusia ako vos pod chrastou LOL
Thank you for your email. You have reached the constituency office of the Hon. Chrystia Freeland, Member of Parliament for University—Rosedale.
The constituency office deals exclusively with matters pertaining to the riding of University—Rosedale. As such, we are forwarding your message to the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, which is best equipped to address your email.
We kindly invite you to forward future correspondences regarding matters related to Foreign Affairs or Chrystia’s ministerial responsibilities directly to the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs at
Warm regards,
Office of the Hon. Chrystia Freeland
Member of Parliament for University—Rosedale
Andrej Kiska: Ľudské práva nesmú byť nadradené obchodným záujmom ibM
uz zistil Bellingcat, kto to vlastne objednal vrazdu Džamála Chášakdžího? LOL